Therapeutic Climbing Program Sundays from January 29th – March 5th, 2023

About the Canadian Ada12tive Climbing Society 

CACSt Our mission is to create opportunities for individuals living with barriers to benefit from climbing, and our vision is that ‘Everyone Can Climb’. The ultimate goal is to make the climbing community a more inclusive and accessible place for anyone who has a barrier.

BC Thera12eutic Climbing Program: With the increasing popularity of rock climbing, there has been a growing research base investigating the therapeutic benefits of climbing – general research suggests potential benefits for mental health function, physical health function, and social/emotional benefits. Based on the literature and using evidence-based treatment approaches, the CACS has designed a 5-week therapeutic climbing program to assist participants in their rehabilitation journey. It is facilitated by an Occupational Therapist, a climbing expert, and a dedicated team of amazing volunteers.