WISH Drop-In Centre Society
BC Rehab granted $5,000 towards improving accessibility for women in the Downtown Eastside.
Spinal Cord Injury BC
BC Rehab granted $25,000 towards the Adaptive Cycling Program Equipment Hub.
Muslim Foodbank and Community Services Society
BC Rehab granted $7,500 towards the accessibility upgrade project.
St. Paul’s Foundation of Vancouver
BC Rehab granted $11,492 to purchase a Nustep Recumbent Cross Trainer for the rehab unit at Holy Family Hospital.
“We are so incredibly grateful for BC Rehab Foundation’s support and we were so proud to be able to show Ian (in person!) the equipment you funded.” Alexandra Erjavec Manager, Seniors Care & Healthy Aging

Shelbourne Community Kitchen Society
BC Rehab granted $3,110 towards the Washroom Accessibility Update.
Shine Through the Rain Foundation
BC Rehab granted $5,000 towards the BC Camp Scholarship Abilities Program.
Technology for Living Society
BC Rehab granted $50,000 towards The Door Opener Program.
Pony Pals Therapeutic Riding Association
BC Rehab granted $5,000 towards the accessibility upgrade project.
Easter Seals House
BC Rehab granted $4,880 to make their outdoor area and garden accessible.
Zajac Ranch
BC Rehab granted $2,845 to purchase adapted kayaking equipment.
BC Rehab granted $2,500 towards “No Strings Attached!” production.
The Ita Wegman Association of BC
BC Rehab granted $1,960 towards their accessibility project.
Technology for Living
BC Rehab granted $25,000 towards the “Independence @ Home” program.
Scout Island Nature Centre (Williams Lake)
BC Rehab granted $7,500 towards their Scout Island Nature House Front Entrance upgrade.
CanAssist at University of Victoria
BC Rehab granted $1,500 towards their Walk and Wheel program
Crimson Coast Dance Society
BC Rehab granted $2,500 towards their Mixed Abilities Dance Jam program
BC Wheelchair Basketball Society
BC Rehab granted $36,000 over the past two years towards their Reginal Development Program
BC Rehab granted $8,000 towards the development of their website www.assistlist.com
Disability Alliance
BC Rehab granted $75,000 over three years for the Right Fit Pilot Project
Disabled Independent Gardner’s Association
BC Rehab granted $2,500 towards the 2019 DIGA workshops at GF Strong
Canadian Adaptive Climbing Society
BC Rehab granted $2,500 towards the “Everyone Can Climb if They Chooses to Try” program
BC Rehab granted $3,250 towards their Adaptive Kayak Replacement Project
Power to Be
BC Rehab granted $3,000 to purchase stabilizing outriggers for the kayak program at Prospect Lake
BC Wildlife Federation
BC Rehab granted $5,000 towards the Fishing Forever program
Taghum Hall
BC Rehab granted $5,000 towards accessibility improvements
Allan Brooks Nature Centre
BC Rehab granted $4,000 towards and accessible door to the nature centre
Arrow and Slocan Lakes Community Services
BC Rehab granted $4,600 towards the accessibility improvements to the Community Services building
Cerebral Palsy Sports Association of BC
BC Rehab granted $5,000 towards the Para Ice Hockey program in Kelowna and Victoria.
Kimberly Art Council – Centre 64
BC Rehab granted $4,300 towards the installation of an accessible lift to make the second floor theater accessiible to all patrons.
St. John Ambulance
BC Rehab granted $10,000 towards their Community Transfer Program for rural and remote areas in British Columbia.
Live it! Love it! Foundation
BC Rehab granted $2400 worth of project grant funding to cover the accommodation costs for housing participants during the Freewheel camp.
Realwheels Theatre Society
BC Rehab granted $500 to sponsor the show tickets and attendance of people with disabilities.
Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association
BC Rehab granted $540 to support components of the annual costs associated with Troy the therapeutic horses care.
Cerebral Palsy Association of BC
BC Rehab granted $1,500 to support instructor costs associated with program delivery for their 12-week Dance Without Limits program.
BC Wheelchair Basketball
BC Rehab granted $3,742 towards the purchase of two sport wheelchairs
BC Mobility Opportunities Society
BC Rehab granted $3,400 towards the purchase of a trailrider.
Horsefly Seniors Activity and Wellness Society
BC Rehab granted $5,000 to construct an exterior covered accessibility ramp on the Old Fire Hall Centre in Horsefly, BC. http://www.wltribune.com/community/268305812.html
Pacific Assistance Dogs Society
BC Rehab granted $4,500 for three puppies support and training to become wheelchair assistance dogs for people living with a physical disability.
Boys and Girls Club of South Coast BC
BC Rehab granted $3,800 towards an adaptive swing for children with disabilities
Tetra Society
BC Rehab granted $3,300 for parts to build assistive devices and $500 for the 2014 Gizmo Sponsorship.
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of British Columbia
BC Rehab granted $10,000 towards enabling accessibility for Crisis Centre, Volunteers and Staff.
Hydration Station
BC Rehab is pleased to announce a new program focused on supporting clients at GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre. The BC Rehab Hydration Station program provides clients in need with the proper water bottle devices to increase their daily hydration. The program was created through a partnership between GF Strong’s Department of Occupational Therapy and BC Rehab.
The Hydration Station launched in April 2012 with two types of water bottle devices offered by BC Rehab. One water bottle is ideal for Acquired Brain Injury clients and those with hand dexterity; the second model is a camelback water bottle that can be hooked on the back of a wheelchair and water is accessed through a straw. You can see BC Rehab pass staff member Pam McHugh giving out the very first hydration device to Mr. Hugh Williams on April 22nd, 2012 in the photo.
According to Tracey Findlay, Practice Leader, Speech-Language Pathology at GF Strong: “The BC Rehab Hydration Project is beneficial to the clients at GF Strong because good nutrition and hydration are an essential part of the recovery process. This project increases access to hydration for the clients.” By assisting clients to hydrate themselves, we are facilitating and enabling them to be more independent and accountable for their health. Hydration Station also seeks to address barriers that may exist for some clients, such as limited finances or those who do not have nearby family members to pick up such equipment, by providing a donated service. All clients must submit a simple referral form which is signed off on by a therapist on their rehab team.