Congratulations to the 2022 Gert Vorsteher Bursary Winners!
The Gert Vorsteher Memorial Bursary for students with disabilities was created by British Columbia Rehabilitation Foundation in 2014 to award two educational grants of $5,000 each to British Columbians with a physical disability who intend to pursue post-secondary education that will lead to employment and greater personal independence. This years winners are Tarryn (Sal) Tisdale, [...]
New Nustep Recumbent Cross Trainer for the rehab unit at Holy Family Hospital
BC Rehab granted $11,492 to purchase a Nustep Recumbent Cross Trainer for the rehab unit at Holy Family Hospital. “We are so incredibly grateful for BC Rehab Foundation’s support and we were so proud to be able to show Ian (in person!) the equipment you funded.” Alexandra Erjavec Manager, Seniors Care & Healthy Aging [...]
2022 Gert Vorsteher Award Winners
The awards, which are accompanied by a $5,000 bursary, are given annually to individuals who have shown remarkable determination towards pursuing their rehabilitation goals at G.F. Strong Centre and have, in turn, regained their personal independence. BC Rehab hosts the event in the GF Strong gymnasium and presented up to eight awards to recipients from [...]
BC Rehab funds $5000 toward accessibility improvement for women in the Downtown Eastside
"You did it! Thanks to you, we finally have our long-awaited access ramp. Please share our gratitude with everyone at the BC Rehab Foundation for supporting this much-needed project. Here is a photo of the finished product - we’re all very proud of it! Work on the access ramp was completed last month, much to [...]
Accommodation support for GF Strong Patients
In March 2022, BC Rehab Society will be piloting a new way of providing accommodation for family members who must travel to Vancouver to see GF Strong patients. Upon approval of a written application, BCRS will book and pay for beneficiaries to stay at Easter Seals House, located at 24th and Oak Street in [...]
Thank you!
MOVE’s Supported Therapeutic Exercise Program (STEP) provides supported therapeutic exercise and access to adapted equipment for low-income individuals living with disabilities. This program is customized to address the unique and complex needs of individuals with a variety of disabilities. STEP includes the development of individualized exercise programs, full access to MOVE’s specialized gym equipment, [...]
$7,500 granted to Scout Island Nature Centre
“The new entrance to the Nature House is complete and being well used. Thank-you so much for your support” Sue Hemphill , Scout Island Nature Centre Executive Director
2021 Gert Vorsteher Winner
It is our pleasure to announce the winners of the 2021 BC Rehab Gert Vorsteher Memorial Award. The BC Rehab Gert Vorsteher Memorial Awards, worth $5,000 each, are presented annually to individuals with disabilities who have risen above extreme challenges, demonstrating remarkable determination towards pursuing their rehabilitation goals and in turn have regained their own [...]